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Holiday accommodation in Bosa, North West Sardinia

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The following are public holidays
throughout Sardinia:

New Years Day, 1 Jan
Epiphany, 6Jan
Easter Sunday & Monday
Liberation Day, 25 April
Labour Day, 1 May
Ferragosto, 15 August
All Saints' Day, 1 Nov
Immaculate Conception, 8 Dec
Christmas Day, 25 Dec
Santo Stefano, 26 Dec

n top of the public holidays, when everything is generally closed, Bosa enjoys many festivals, usually of religious or Pagan origin.

Carnevale in Bosa Sardegna
Carnevale at Bosa

From January 16th to the end of the week of Shrove Tuesday there are many festivals. Significant are the Festival of the Cantine, when the town has a huge street party with wine and food being served from the cantine in Via Carmine, and also there is Carnevale on Shrove Tuesday which has to be seen to be believed. It is wild and rather Pagan in origin.

Throughout the year there are processions, festas and parties. Saints' days are celebrated, especially at the church of their dedication.

Santa Maria del Mare, first Sunday in August is a great noisy festival that goes down the river Temo and out to sea with a Mass, big party, fireworks and much feasting and drinking.

Religious procession at Bosa, Sardegna
Religious processions
Santa Maria del Mare
Santa Maria del Mare

The following Friday is the summer carnival, just an excuse for a big street party which goes on most of the night.

In the second week of September there is the festival of Nostra Signora de sos Regnos Altos which starts with an outdoor Mass up at the castle, and proceeds down to Sa Costa (the Old Town) ending with much food and wine.

Hardly a week goes by without some festival or event in Bosa or the nearby towns. The Tourist Information has details, also there are posters around the town telling you what is going on and where.

Lemon Tree House apartmets are the ideal place to stay in Bosa and enjoy the lively festivals and activities, as well as seeing sights further a-field.